Added do_not_make_hands_parallel_to_ground module.ini option. Added set_horse_friendly_fire operation. Implemented SetCursor performance issues fix. Enhance the Module System with the files in the WSESDK directory (see README.txt for more information)
Steam exe currently not supported! Also Taleworlds silently updated 1174 exe from istaller.Ģ. And my knowledge is not so great like a cmpxchg8b.
It's hard work to reverse engineering and time-consuming.
Since the development of WSE the abandoned by author, I decided to port WSE of their own under the new patches. In the new warband updates were about 10% functional of WSE. Warband Script Enhancer for latest version of Warband (current 1.174)Ī program that enhances the Warband engine by adding operations/scripts/triggers and changing hardcoded game mechanics.